Friday, February 24, 2012

Keokuk, Iowa, St. Louis, Missouri, And Mark Twain

From the Mark Twain Project:

The entry is a reference to Keokuk, Iowa, a town we visited in September 2010, as well as beautiful St. Louis, now with the addition of the Arch.

[ Daily Packet Service ] to Keokuk. The merchants—envied by all the untraveled town—made trips to the great city (of 30,000 souls).

Mississippi River at Keokuk, Iowa

 St. L papers had pictures of Planters House, and sometimes an engraved letter-head had a picture of the city front, with the boats sardined at the wharf and the modest spire of the little Cath Cathedral showing prominently; and at last when a minor citizen realized the dream of his life and traveled to St. Louis, he was thrilled to the marrow when he recognized the rank of boats and the spire and the Planters, and was amazed at the accuracy of the pictures and at the fact that the things were realities and not inventions of the imagination.

St. Louis

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