Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Before Kentucky Was A Commonwealth Of Its Own

From The Kentuckians:

"We can get it (a petition) wrote up in the next day or two, Jim said, and signed and then send it over to the Holston to Billy Russell and let him take it to the spring meeting of the Assembly at Williamsburg.  It was decided that way and the vote was taken to petition the Virginia Assembly in our favor.  They they named Jim and me and Isaac Hite to put it in writing."

"I got to thinking how, a year ago almost exactly, I'd been at the Sycamore Shoals for the treaty-making."

Still, I thought it more than likely he (George Rogers Clark) was right about Arthur Campbell and Billy Russell.  Besides, both had been hand in glove with Colonel Henderson, along with the Robertson brothers, in the treaty-making.

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