Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lords Of Misrule

From the Lords Of Misrule, by Nigel Tranter:

"The Scots had ever been a race of genealogists." 

"Behold the High King of Scots, Ard Righ Albannach, Robert, son of Robert, son of Marjorie, daughter of Robert, son of Robert, son of Robert...".  "On and on he went, tracing the Royal descent back through the Bruce generations to David, Earl of Huntingdon, brother of William the Lion and Malcolm the Fourth and so by Malcolm Canmore through seven more generations to Kenneth MacAlpine, who united Picts and Scots...". (Page 391)

Others who appear in Lordsof Misrule are Sir James "2nd Earl of Douglas and Mar" Douglas aka of Dalkeith, husband of Isabella (daughter of King Robert and sister of King Robert* who was crowned with the genealogical line noted above).  Isabella's brother, Alexander "Earl of Buchan", "The Wolf of Badenoch" was also featured at times.  *His name was John, crowned as Robert, even though he had a brother named Robert.

For more genealogical information about the Royal House of Stuart:


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