Thursday, November 7, 2019

We Met At Mrs. Acklen's

From Confederate Echoes: A Voice from the South in the Days of Secession and....., by Albert Theodore Goodloe:

Mrs. Acklen's Home (Belmont) In Nashville

The first night was spent at Mrs. Acklen's, the widow of Joseph H. Acklen*, not far out of Nashville. Uncle Calvin Goodloe had come to Nashville, on his way to Washington, on secret service for Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, commanding the Confederate army in Georgia, and we had arranged to spend the night together at Mrs. Acklen's, where, indeed, Uncle Calvin was stopping for a time. He and Mrs. Acklen were old friends and I had known her several years. He gave me the gratifying information that the Yankees were not then occupying Florence, and that I could likely cross the Tennessee River there if I could soon reach there in safety. *(My 1st cousin 5x removed)

Mrs. Acklen


Unknown said...

In the first line of the post, I think the Mrs. Acklen they refer to is Adelicia Acklen, since Belmont Mansion is pictured above. Her husband was Joseph Alexander Smith Acklen, not Joseph Hayes Acklen (her son).

PalmsRV said...

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