Saturday, October 10, 2009

Twilight of Empire by Allan W. Eckert - Part One

Twilight of Empire by Allan W. Eckert featured events on the Illinois frontier that resulted in the Blackhawk War. Careers were bolstered (including A. Lincoln's) on one side. On the other side, Blackhawk's "British-backed" splinter group of the Sac Tribe was decimated. They were unwilling to remain west of the Mississippi River after tribal land east of the Mississippi had been ceded in various treaties.

Much of the war is spent chasing the elusive Blackhawk and keeping others from joining him. Many of the Indians were firmly in the American camp and/or enemies of the Sacs and were not apt to join Blackhawk. Some of the Indians were sympathetic to Blackhawk; the Indian agents worked to keep them out of the war. The whereabouts of Blackhawk or those sympathetic to him were often known by evidence of massacred settlers on the Illinois frontier.

Chronology of the Blackhawk War can be found here.

One of my families, the Trousdales, were in Illinois early so it was not surprising to find a Trousdale or two (Abner & James Trousdale) in the rosters of those who fought in the Blackhawk War.

The Patillos were another one of my early Illinois families. Alexander T. Sullenger (AKA Alexander T. Patillo), who was the half brother of my Felix Grundy Patillo, participated in the Blackhawk War. Another Patillo, Nathan, was listed as "on furlough."

This database provided by the Illinois Secretary of State can be searched for veterans of the Blackhawk War.

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