Monday, July 7, 2014

Hobson's Choice

From Morgan's Raid by Allan Keller, the view from the Union side:

" Morgan's raiders were approaching the river, Hobson proposed to Judah that he be allowed to attack....".  "This infuriated Judah."  "In a pet at the thought his subordinate was spelling out tactics to him, Judah sent a courier to Hobson with orders to 'suspend all military operations'...".

"As if divine justice were punishing him for his wooden-headed obstinacy, Judah, at this most critical moment, found himself trapped south of the Green River when that stream went out of its banks."

"General Burnside telegraphed to General Hobson to assume command of all the cavalry at Lebanon consisting of his own, Shackelford's, Woolford's and Kants commands and to pursue and capture Morgan and to impress horses subsistence &c for his command. Upon receiving this order Hobson continued the pursuit and directed all the movements of the troops under him." [Source]

A summary of Morgan's Raid At the Civil War 150th blog here.

The Edward Henry Hobson papers found here.

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