Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Colonel Ferguson And King's Mountain

Jim's Photo - Col. Ferguson, Commanding British Troops

Col. Ferguson was killed at King's Mountain, October 7, 1780

A prelude to the Battle at King's Mountain from King's Mountain and Its Heroes: ...:

In order to give a proper view of the movements of the opposing parties, it is now necessary to recur to Ferguson and his Tory followers. It will be remembered that Ferguson's troops made an excursion during the month of September into the Upper Catawba Valley, in then Burke, now McDowell County; and that several of the patriots, Captain John Carson among them, were prevailed on by the Whig leaders to take protection simply as a ruse by which to save as much of the stock of the country as possible.

Ferguson began to suspect that Carson and his friends were deceiving him... .  Ferguson declared that the Rebels had outwitted him.

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